アップグレードの鍵はチャレンジ Challenge is the key to upgrade
〜メルマガ Lucis Sylva 徒然便り133より〜

Many of you may be experiencing memory loss, such as a recent increase in the use of words like “that” and “this,” or stopping in a room to wonder what you were trying to do. I often have this too.
It is said that this happens when the function of the frontal lobe or hippocampus deteriorates, but it does not seem that we should give up or be discouraged, saying that it is inevitable because our brain functions deteriorate as we get older.
I read an article by a brain scientist who said that different parts of the brain become more active as we age.
He said that there is something called the “striatum” in the brain that becomes activated as it feeds on experience, and that this is connected to dopamine, which is the core of “motivation. It seems that motivation increases from middle age.
They also say that there is an intelligence that does not develop without age, and this is called “crystal intelligence”. (Lovely name).
Knowledge, experience, and wisdom are combined, and this seems to grow into a deep intelligence, such as a perspective on life.
However, both “striatum” and “crystal intelligence” need to be activated. The key is to try new things. Rut is the enemy, they say.
The universe is also in a flow. It never stays in the same place.
The same is true for the brain, which is also a microcosm.
Don't give up just because you are old, but keep trying new things and upgrading.
There are still many doors that can be opened.